Ref: 011L

Rooms: 2 / Bathrooms: 1 / Toilets: 1 / m² built: 305 / m² usable: 305 / m² terrace: 40 / Swimming pool: Yes / Elevator: Yes / Air Cond.: Yes / Terrace: Yes /

m² built: 305
m² terrace: 40
Land Value Tax: 935€
Rooms: 2
Bathrooms: 1
Community fees: 400€/month

Tel: (+34) 952 664 966

Taxes excluded from the price, VAT or ITP and AJD. Notarial, registration and financing expenses are excluded. The consumer has the right to be given a copy of the Abbreviated Informative Document of the home, according to Decree 218/2005 of the Junta de Andalucia